IDPlus - insuredoo
insuredoo Rewards Program

Terms & Conditions


1. General:

These Terms and Conditions (the Portal Terms and Conditions) govern the use of this Portal and by using the Portal you are deemed to have accepted them. 

Please read them carefully from beginning to end. If you do not wish to be bound by the Portal Terms and Conditions you should not use the Portal.

From time to time our Portal policies and these Portal Terms and Conditions may be changed or updated to meet applicable requirements and standards or for commercial reasons.

Therefore Customers are encouraged frequently to visit these sections in order to be updated on changes to the Portal. 

We will post the amended version on the Portal and they will apply
to any transaction or use of the Portal from the date of them being posted. 

However new terms and conditions will not apply to transactions undertaken and fulfilled in their entirety before their posting in amended form.

If you are purchasing an insurance Policy through this website you should also read the terms and conditions of the Participating Insurer (Insurer’s Terms and Conditions) which is selling the Policy to you and which will be contained in the Model Policy on the Quote Page. 

Those Insurer’s Terms and Conditions will exclusively govern the terms of the transaction between you and the Participating Insurer concerned. These Portal Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Portal.

The services of this Portal are made available by insuredoo in collaboration with BROKERS licensed by the UAE Insurance Authority.

    1. 2. Definitions

This Portal or Website means this website;

You and Your or Customer means the person using this website (or a person receiving insurance broking advice from Brokers).

Participating Insurer means an insurer whose insurance policy quotes are included on this website.

A Product is an insurance product sold on the Portal and a Policy is an insurance policy sold on the Portal.

BROKERS means Delta Insurance Services Co. LLC, licensed by the UAE Insurance Authority.

Policy Issuance means the delivery of a personalized Policy as a Customer’s Electronic Policy.

  1. 3. About us and our Service

We are a provider of an independent and online insurance products search engine that has been designed to save you time and money. 

We compare insurance products from a range of insurers. With insuredoo, you will find competitive quotes for insurance products as well as the information you need to make an informed choice on which policy best suits your needs.

This internet Portal is a channel of communication between potential buyers of insurance Policies and sellers who are Participating Insurers.

We enable you to compare a number of Products by nature of cover and by price, to make your own choice as to which Product to purchase based on your own circumstances, and then to assist you in purchasing direct from the Participating Insurer. 

We expressly disclaim any reliance placed on the contents of this Portal, whether posted by us or by Participating Insurers.

We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard in AED.

Please be aware that the information and descriptions of Products and Policies on the Portal may not constitute a complete description of all their features and terms and conditions.

 It is important that you read all the Insurer’s Terms and Conditions and the Model Policy (available on the Quote Page) that contains them, before your final purchase.

This Portal contains factual information on policies and we do not provide insurance or financial or other advice of any kind in relation to any Product that is displayed on this Portal, nor do we recommend or endorse any Product as suitable for you.

 The choice is for you alone to make based on the factual information displayed and found in the Insurance Product documentation provided by the Insurance companies.

If you are in any doubt as to the suitability or adequacy of any Product to purchase via this Portal you should seek advice from an insurance broker, investment adviser or other professional.

This Portal will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any OFAC sanctioned countries in accordance with the Laws of the UAE. No person under the age of 18 may register under this Portal or purchase any goods or services through it.

 If you make a payment for our products or services on our website, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection. The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.

We charge a policy administration fee above and beyond the price charged by the Participating Insurer:

  • 60 AED fee for policies costing up to 2000 AED
  • 100 AED fee for policies costing over 2000 AED
  1. 4. Your responsibilities

This Portal will display Quotes based on the information you have provided to us that will be conveyed to the Participating Insurers. You are responsible for answering any questions and describing your own circumstances honestly and completely and to the best of your knowledge. 

Failure to do so may result in us not being able to issue you a policy at all, or not being able to issue you a policy at the quoted price. If a policy is issued and you are later found to have not provided the correct information, your policy may be invalid and claims may not be paid.

If your insurance is invalid, you could be responsible for third party damage if you suffer an accident.

Before purchasing a Policy from a Participating Insurer you should read the insurer’s Terms and Conditions of business shown in the Model Policy. Your policy wording will be similar, but tailored to your circumstances based on the information you have provided.

You should not proceed unless you understand and agree with those terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of your cover will be those of the Participating Insurer, not those of this Portal which is a sales medium only. 

It is the Participating Insurer’s Terms and Conditions of business you will be agreeing to when you accept a Quote. You will also have accepted the terms and conditions of this Portal by using it.

It is of the utmost importance that all the information provided by you via the Portal is true and accurate and you have answered all questions to the best of your knowledge.

We do not accept any responsibility if you fail to provide full and accurate information via the Portal to the Participating Insurer or in any way misrepresented or failed to disclose the facts.

  1. 5. Offer and acceptance

Nothing on this Portal shall constitute or be deemed to constitute an offer by us or by any third party to sell you any product or insurance policy or to enter into any contract with you in respect of such product or policy. 

By submitting your details you are making an offer to obtain the relevant Product or Policy from the relevant Participating Insurer on the Insurer’s Terms and Conditions as contained in its Model policy that may be accepted or rejected by you.

 The contract for the Product or Policy will only be concluded once the Participating Insurer or third party has accepted your offer. You will receive confirmation when your offer has been accepted.

  1. 6. Validating your policy documents

You may be required, as a condition for the purchase of a Policy, to produce and upload certain personal documents. Once uploaded and verified and payment cleared your policy will be accepted or declined.

  1. 7. Information

The Participating Insurer will make your policy wording available via delivery as an electronic document. It is important that you read the terms of your Policy carefully and familiarize yourself with the terms of your cover, including the deductibles, limits and obligations that apply. 

Failure to observe the Insurer’s Terms and Conditions could result in you losing or being refused cover. Please check that all the details on the Policy are correct and contact
the Participating Insurer direct if they are not or you have questions.

As a Portal, we are not responsible for advising you on a Policy purchased through us and you should send all queries direct to the Participating Insurer who sold you the policy.

  1. 8. Portal availability

Access to the Portal is on a temporary basis, and we make no representation or warranty as
to its continued availability at all times. We reserve the right to withdraw, amend or suspend services from the Portal at any time without notice and are not responsible for any loss resulting from such withdrawal, amendment or suspension.

We reserve the right at our discretion to restrict access to the Portal to users who have registered with us.

If you are provided with a password to access the Portal you must treat such information as confidential and not disclose it to any third party.

 If in our opinion you have failed to comply with this requirement or any other term or condition, we reserve the right to disable your password and deny you access to the Portal either permanently or temporarily.

We are not responsible for computer viruses or other computer problems you may suffer as
a result of using the Portal. Please use your own virus checking software.

We do not control the special offers or price offered by Participating Insurers via the Portal, which are governed by their individual terms, and conditions and we do not accept any responsibility for any failure by a Participating Insurer to comply with its own terms and conditions.

While we try and deliver comparisons which are as widely applicable as we can, it is possible that your circumstances will be outside the standard insurance cover parameters of Participating Insurers.

  1. 9. Policy issuance

In these terms & conditions, Policy Issuance means the delivery of a personalized Policy as
a Customer’s Electronic Policy.

A reference in this section to a Customer successfully purchasing cover refers to the Customer having provided all legal documents in the required form and his payment being released via the payment gateway.

The multiple booking may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.

  1. 10. Disclaimer of liability

We are not liable to you for loss or damage (including damages for consequential loss, loss of profits or punitive damages) that you suffer as a direct or indirect result of:

        1. (i) information on this Portal being inaccurate or incomplete;
        2. (ii) a Participating Insurer making an error in its coverage or its price quoted to you;
        3. (iii) your provision of incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information to us or to a Participating Insurer;
        4. (iv) your inability to use our Portal at any time for any reason including downtime, malfunctions or interruptions;
        5. (v) connection to any websites of any insurer (including Participating Insurers) or any other third party and any statements, offers, representations, products or content in such websites or viruses associated with them;
        6. (vi) purchase of any product or financial instrument from any third party, including Participating Insurers, via the Portal;
        7. (vii) errors or omissions in the Portal;
        8. (viii) reliance on any statement or representation appearing in the Portal from any party including Participating Insurers and the Portal itself;
        9. (ix) any loss of or access to personal information beyond our control;
        10. (x) any distributed loss of service attack, viruses or technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, programs, data or other proprietary material resulting from use of the portal or downloading material from it;
        11. (xi) loss of personal data or other data, howsoever caused, including without limitation, malfunctioning of the Portal, power failures, unlawful access to, or theft of, data, viruses, programming defects or negligence on our part; or any event beyond our control.
  1. 11. Intellectual property

The ownership and/or copyright in the information, content, material and data displayed on this portal belongs to us or our licensors. 

This includes, but is not limited to, all trademarks, service marks, logos, patents, business names, trading names, domain names, design rights, database rights, know how and copyrights and any other intellectual property rights. All such rights are reserved. All rights in insuredoo are owned by us.

You have the right to print off one copy only of material on this Portal for personal use, and not for commercial or business use of any kind.

Logos, trademarks and service marks may only be downloaded as part of the text of which they form part. You must not modify the paper or digital copies of such information, content material or data.

Except as expressly permitted under these Portal Terms and Conditions, none of the intellectual property rights belonging to us or our licensors in and relating to this website (including information, content material or data displayed on it) may be used, copied, modified, published, extracted, utilized, transmitted, displayed, sold, excerpted, reverse engineered, made available, reproduced, reformatted or distributed without our express prior written consent.

  1. 12. Indemnity

You agree to indemnify us against any losses, liabilities, costs or expenses we suffer as the direct or indirect result of:

        1. (i) (i) your breach of these Portal Terms and Conditions; or
        2. (ii) (ii) any wilful or reckless act or omission by you; or
        3. (iii) (iii) any use by you of software, robots, spiders, crawlers or similar data extraction or gathering tools.
  1. 13. Rebate Policy

We do not underwrite insurance cover and any dispute between you and a Participating Insurer over cover shall not give rise to any rebate or refund or repayment liability or obligation on the part of the Service Providers, including the following, whether or not arising in connection with the Portal or the Rating Engine:

        1. (i) (i) the denial, restriction, cancellation or rescission of cover under a Policy issued by
          a Participating Insurer via the Portal for any reason whatsoever, including fraud, misstatement (innocent, negligent or fraudulent) or non-disclosure by you the customer, willful or otherwise;
        2. (ii) (ii) any rebate or claimed rebate of Premium in connection with (i).
        3. Any arrangements or Customer communication in connection with this paragraph 14 shall be implemented by the Participating Insurer direct with the Customer and the Service Providers shall be no obligation to assist in any such matter.
        4. Refunds or rebates will be done only through the original mode of payment.
  1. 14. Your Data

We reserve the right to monitor, record, store and consult our communications with you via the Portal, by e mail, telephone text or by any other means whatsoever to check instructions, train our staff and improve service.

We operate a strict Privacy and Data Policy. This is set out under the heading Privacy Policy and is available via our website.

All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards.

Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

Some of the advertisements you see on the Site are selected and delivered by third parties, such as ad networks, advertising agencies, advertisers, and audience segment providers. These third parties may collect information about you and your online activities, either on the Site or on other websites, through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies in an effort to understand your interests and deliver to you advertisements that are tailored to your interests. 

Please remember that we do not have access to, or control over, the information these third parties may collect. The information practices of these third parties are not covered by this privacy policy.

  1. 15. Jurisdiction

The UAE is our country of domicile. The Portal is intended for residents of the UAE and we make no warranty or representation that policies or products referred to in this portal is suitable for, or available in, any jurisdiction other than the UAE. 

Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Portal shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the UAE, and both you and we submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UAE courts in respect of them. 

If you use this website from outside the UAE you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for compliance with local laws.

  1. 16. Payment

Delta Insurance Services LLC maintains the www.insuredoo.com Website.

The displayed price and currency at the checkout page, will be the same price and currency printed on the Transaction Receipt and the amount charged to the card will be shown in your card currency.